If Ryan Pinto had chosen a different profession, he would most likely have been a magician or juggler or master chef (possibly all three simultaneously). The fact that he chose to weave his magic in the much underrated science of DJing is something to be celebrated, toasted, as legions of his admirers will attest.
As if in retaliation to the notion that a disc jockey is a mere human jukebox, Ryan wields the console like an instrument, as if it were an extension of himself and not just a cluster of buttons and knobs to be tweaked randomly. That he can seamlessly blaze his way through a plethora of musical styles - Bollywood remixes, bhangra, reggae, rap, rock, hip-hop, Latino, funky house, psychedelic trance - is testament to his raw skill. Twelve years in the business have honed his talent into a marriage of art and technical perfection, and today Ryan is justifiably one of Goa's top draws, a leading light in a profession chockablock with wannabes and amateurs.

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